Early Years

Early Years


Have severe learning difficulties with some having profound and complex needs

Have communication and interaction needs

Have difficulties with sensory processing and perceived sensory patterns

Have difficulties with memory, generalising and problem solving

Have difficulties with concentration and attention

Have a need for structure and routine

Need support to interact with others

May have a range of needs including physical and medical, communication, social, emotional, mental health and or specific learning difficulties

Need support with all aspects of self-care (including feeding, dressing and intimate care)


Students access provision that is play based, multi-sensory and exploratory. A focus throughout EYFS is the development of early interaction and communication skills. Identifying a preferred communication method. Students are encouraged to develop and generalise skills within indoor and outdoor learning environments. Student needs are quickly identified and additional provision/equipment is sourced to support their development and access to the curriculum. The main focus for students new to the school is developing their readiness to learn.

Students in the Early Years Class will have access to:

Self-contained learning environment to teach self-help skills in an area designed for maximise independence and ensures safety of students is paramount

Access to indoor and outdoor learning spaces as highlighted within the EYFS framework

High staff ratio to support access to curriculum and needs of students

Objects of reference


Sign supported English

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)

Intensive interaction

Attention Autism

Sensory diets and sensory integration programs

Sensory stories and multi-sensory approaches

Social Stories

Visual supports (timetables, key rings)

Inclusive technology (switches, eye gaze)

Adaptive physical aids e.g. chairs/tables

Learning intentions for students within this Early Years class are taken from:

EHCP outcomes (Long term and annual)

Learning Pathway (small steps to the EYFS framework)

School Communication Interventions

Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) Programmes

Sensory programmes

Physio/OT programmes

Student progress is assessed by:

Learning intentions taken from suggested frameworks above

Evidence for Learning (Assessment Periods)

Reception Baseline (Statutory assessment completed and reported)

Essential 8 (Essentials for Living)

Communication data

Functional skills data

ABC data (where appropriate)

Phonics screening if applicable (Year 2  Statutory assessment)

Characteristics of Effective Learning (Reception learners)

Engagement Model (Year 1 and above learners)

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